Under Graduate PEOs and POs

B.Tech Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs)

1. Graduates of the program will be successful in technical and professional career of varied sectors of Civil Engineering.
2. Graduates of the program will have proficiency to analyse and design real time Civil Engineering projects.
3. Graduates of the program will exhibit management and leadership qualities with good communication skills facilitating to work in a multidisciplinary team.
4. Graduates of the program will continue to engage in life-long learning with ethical and social responsibility.

B.Tech Programme Outcomes(POs)

Graduates of the Civil Engineering programme will be able to

a. Apply knowledge of mathematics, science and fundamentals of Civil Engineering.
b. Analyse problem and interpret the data.
c. Design a system component, or process to meet desired needs in Civil Engineering within realistic constraints.
d. Identify, formulate, analyse and interpret data to solve Civil Engineering problems.
e. Use modern engineering tools such as CAD and GIS for the Civil Engineering practice.
f. Understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic and societal context.
g. Understand the effect of Civil Engineering solutions on environment and to demonstrate the need for sustainable development.
h. Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
i. Work effectively as an individual or in a team and to function on multi-disciplinary context.
j. Communicate effectively with engineering community and society.
k. Demonstrate the management principles in Civil Engineering projects.
l. Recognize the need for and an ability to engage in life-long learning.

B.TechProgram Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

1. Recognize the need for a sustainable environment and design smart infrastructure considering the global challenges..
2. Create and develop innovative designs with new era materials through research and development.

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