Department of Civil Engneering

M.Tech PEOs and POs

   M.Tech Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs)

   PEO 1:Graduates of the program will equip with professional expertise on the theories, process, methods and techniques for building high-quality structures in a cost-effective manner.
   PEO 2:Graduates of the program will be able to design structural components using contemporary softwares and professional tools with quality practices of international standards.
   PEO 3:Graduates of the program will be effective as both an individual contributor and a member of a development team with professional, ethical and social responsibilities.
   PEO 4:Graduates of the program will grow professionally through continuing education, training, research, and adapting to the rapidly changing technological trends globally in structural engineering.

   M.Tech Programme Outcomes(POs)

   Graduates of the Civil Engineering program will be able to
   PO 1: An ability to independently carry out research / investigation and development to solve practical problems
   PO 2: An ability to write and present a substantial technical report / document.
   PO 3: Students should be able to demonstrate a degree of mastery over the area as per the specialization of the program. The mastery should be at a level higher than the requirements in the appropriate bachelor's.
   PO 4: Possesses critical thinking skills and solves core, complex and multidisciplinary structural engineering problems.
   PO 5: Assess the impact of professional engineering solutions in an environmental context along with societal, health, safety, legal, ethical and cultural issues and the need for sustainable development.
   PO 6: Recognize the need for life-long learning to improve knowledge and competence.

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