Department of Civil Engineering
Engineer's Day

Report on the Event of distribution of certificates and prizes to winners on 27 October 2018.Dr.J.N.Murthy, Director and Dr.Mohd.Hussain,Dean-Life Skills and Outreach have distributed certificates and prizes to the winners of various competitions held on the occasion of Engineers' day,UN International day of peace,UN International day of Nonviolence and World Mental Health day.Winners are given the book "The Mastery Manual- A life Changing Guide for personal and professional greatness" by Robin Sharma .The book contains 36 modules.Another book " The seven spiritual laws of success- A pocket book guide to fulfilling your dreams" by Deepak Chopra is also given.Dr.J.N.Murthy in his address has asked the students to awaken to the reality of Industry 4.0 (Fourth Industrial Revolution) which is a blend of Advanced Analytics,Big data,Robotics and Automation,Artificial Intelligence,Internet of Things (IoT), Virtual Reality, Deep learning, Machine learning etc. Self-learning is superior to update in these technologies. Dr.Mohd.Hussain has shown the picture of water overflowing the barrier "Dam". Water flow is possible by the conversion of high potential energy of water into kinetic energy. The nonverbal message of this is that we can together overcome inner and outer barriers by high inner potential energy, inherent in everyone, with applied higher order thinking (Bloom's taxonomy), applied higher order feeling (Krathawohl's taxonomy) and applied higher order behaving (Dave's taxonomy) ( all three simultaneously applied in continuous mode, during the present new millisecond response time between successive stimulii and responses) which is based on the principles of current outcome based education.Female Robot Sophia is given citizenship by SaudiArabia.We get psychological energy only by energizing others.We get motivated only by motivating others as we are both interdependent and independent.He has asked the winners to discuss the principles of above two books with family members and friends-Dr.Mohd.Hussain, Dean- Life Skills and Outreach& Coordinator , Centre for Continuous Excellence in Life Skills (CEL),GRIET.

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