Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Conrete Institute(ICI) Student Chapter in GRIET

I. Introduction to the Indian Concrete Institute (ICI)

The Indian Concrete Institute was registered as a society on 7th September, 1982 with headquarters in Chennai and has been in service to the industry and the professionals, since then, with the following objectives.
* To promote growth of concrete construction and its sub-specializations.
* To disseminate information and to arrange experts to train personnel for the needs of changing concepts in the technology.
* To collaborate with national and international agencies in creating better understanding of concrete construction technology.
* To identify R & D problems of practical relevance to concrete construction technology.
* To institute and distribute awards for outstanding achievements in concrete construction technology.
* To arrange periodical seminars and exhibitions on the subject and
* To arrange annual lecture series on selected topics of relevance to concrete constructions.

The ICI has more than 10,000 members. Individuals and organizations, working in the field of concrete and interested in the advancement of construction technology, in the use of material, equipment, process design, concrete products, construction, teaching or research are the members of the Institute. It is governed by a council of a President, four Vice Presidents, Nine Members and the Secretary General manages the Head Quarters and coordinates the activities of all the regional centres. To cater to the regional needs, 30 centres are functioning in major cities/towns across the length and breadth of India and these centres are managed by respective executive committees.

The ICI promotes awareness of research, development and implementation on concrete technology in the construction in industry. Over the years, ICI has become a common platform for the builders, manufacturers, practicing architects and engineers, teachers and students to share and disseminate latest knowledge of construction technology. Further details can be obtained at

Benefits of ICI Students Chapter

*Opportunity to interact with practicing professionals
*Support in calling professionals in civil engineering for delivering guest lectures.
*Support to conduct training programmes, workshops, conferences, site visits etc.
*“ICI-Update” an e-bulletin from ICI to keep abreast of the happenings in the concrete world, which also carries technical articles
*Access to ICI reference library.
*Concessional delegation fee for participation in ICI events.
*Participation in ICI conducted competitions.
*Publications of ICI at concessional cost.

II. Formation of ICI student Chapter at GRIET
To fulfil the need of enhancing the teaching and learning environment in the department and to offer to its students a regular exposure to current industrial practices, the Department of Civil Engineering, Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology, took up the initiative of opening an ICI student chapter in its campus. The following memberships were taken with ICI in the month of October, 2012.

1) Organisational membership: Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (GRIET) became an organisational member of ICI

2) Individual membership: The following faculty members joined ICI as individual members
a. Dr. V. Mallikarjuna Reddy, Professor
b. Dr. G. V. V. Satyanarayana, Professor
c. Dr. V. Srinivasa Reddy, Professor.

3) Student membership: 72 students from the second and third years of B.Tech. enrolled as student members in October, 2012. Thereafter, another 18 students joined for student membership in March 2013. Thus, there are 90 student members at present

The above fulfilled the requirements of opening a student chapter. The formal inauguration of the ICI student chapter at GRIET took place on 30th Janurary, 2013. Thereafter, ICI students chapter-GRIET has been organizing seminars, site visits and some informal student activities.

Mr. V Siva Prasada Raju Assistant Professor in Civil Engineering is the Department ICI Coordinator from Apr 2017 onwards .

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